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Meet SlideTrack By Paragon

SlideTrack is a benchtop device that automates the sorting and archving of pathology slides into long term storage. The Slidetrack is designed to meet the volume needs of any lab, big or small.

Key Benefits of the Slidetrack System

  • Quicker diagnosis for patients by getting slides to pathologists faster
  • Reduces staff time spent sorting and filing slides
  • Organizes slides. making them easier to find
  • Allows staff to focus on other laboratory work
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The world's first automated pathology
slide sorting and archiving system

Why we Partnered with SlideTrack


SlideTrack is a benchtop device that automates the sorting and archiving of pathology slides. The operator loads up to two hundred slides at a time then walks away, allowing SlideTrack to processes independently. Each slide is scanned for barcodes, key characters, unique identifiers or even colours. This information is used to sort, divert or archive slides into long term storage magazines. A good example of this is pediatrics samples needing to be kept fifty years can now be separated from negative cytology slides only needing to be kept for five years. The location of each slide is stored as a part of a larger database so that individual slides or entire cases can be reliably located and retrieved. Once a storage magazine is full, it can be placed into traditional long term storage boxes/infrastructure. A single SlideTrack device is capable of processing upwards of seven hundred slides per hour or roughly five thousand slides per day.

This information can be handed over to an existing histology tracking system or SlideTrack can act as a standalone slide management and inventory system. As a standalone device, staff are able to use our interface from their work terminals to view case/slide history and place retrieval requests. Our slide management system requires key information be entered before the location of the slide(s) is revealed, insuring total traceability and integrity of the cases. Admin staff can view or be alerted of overdue slides should they not be returned in time, reference back to see who requested, retrieved the slides, know where the slides were being sent and who to contact for more information


  • Greatly reduce staff time spent sorting and filing slides, allowing them to focus on higher yield activities in the lab.
  • Eliminate the potential of human filing errors that would delay slide retrieval or result in a lost slide
  • Manage the histology slide library to ensure total traceability, something that is missing from existing tracking systems and archiving methods.


The ROI is calculated based on time currently spent sorting and filing slides as well as searching for misplaced or lost slides. Using time savings alone, most sites are looking at a payoff of two years or less. This is before we start to include many of the shadow costs associated with lost or misplaced slides such as patient anxiety from delayed retrieval and legal liability.

This technology was developed as a part of a co-design project that consulted with labs at six Ontario hospitals and was partially funded by our Ministry of Health. SlideTrack was designed to be easily customized to meet the needs of a variety of different lab requirements. Following up on the success of the system here in Ontario, in 2020 we are looking to expand outwards from Canada and work with sites in other markets that can utilize this technology.  


Paragon cabinets work with Slide Track

Already have existing Paragon cabinets or looking to upgrade to our newest cabinets that work with slidetrack? No problem!. Are new Paragon cabinets work with existing Paragon cabinets and stack twelve high


Slide track in the news

Video that Peterborough Regional Health Centre

Canadian Journal for Medical Laboratory Science 

FlipHTML5 LightBox Embed Demo

Cap Today 

FlipHTML5 LightBox Embed Demo